French minister appears on cover of Playboy magazine: Gave 12-page interview on gay and women's rights, PM says - this is wrong

 The minister in charge of social economy in the French government surprised not only his government but the entire world by appearing on the cover of a magazine. In fact, a 40-year-old minister named Marlene Schiappa appears on the cover page of Playboy magazine.

The magazine is famous all over the world for portraying women as sexual objects. She is facing a lot of criticism in France for appearing on the cover of this magazine and doing a photoshoot for it. Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne and other ministers there have called it a disgrace.

12 pages of interviews on gay and women's rights

In addition to appearing on the cover of Playboy magazine, Minister Marlene has also given a 12-page interview on gay and women's rights. Sharing the Playboy magazine cover on social media, Marlene wrote – Women have full rights to their bodies, they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies.

Defending herself in the case of appearing on the cover of Playboy magazine, she wrote that women are free in France, even if backward-minded people have a problem with it.

Playboy magazine said in support of Marlene - We are not soft porn

Violent protests have been taking place in France for several weeks against raising the retirement age. Meanwhile, a government minister's photo shoot for a magazine like Playboy is bothering everyone. The leader of the opposition party said that Marlene's move has hurt the honor of the French people. People are protesting on roads, due to rising prices it is becoming difficult for them to even arrange food. In such a situation, the minister is doing such actions.

At the same time, Playboy magazine has endorsed Marlene. He said that of all the ministers, Marlene was the most suitable to be on the cover of Playboy. She has been working for women's rights for a long time. Playboy magazine is not soft porn, it can be a voice of women's rights.